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The Nova Model 7200 Series Flue Gas Analyzers are specifically designed for use on the flue gases from combustion processes burning gaseous fuels such as natural gas. These analyzers can measure sample gases from oil- or coal-fired processes with the addition of a Model 7240 heated sample filter. Optional dual or multi-point sequencers allow analysis of multiple points using one analyzer.

Sample gas is drawn into the analyzer from the sampling probe or heated filter, then pumped through amore
Unit of Measure


Gases Measured

O2, CO, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2

Method of Detection

% O2, 10-1000 PPM NO, NO2, CO, & SO2 by electrochemical sensor CO2, >1000 PPM & % CO & SO2 by infrared detector Combustibles by catalytic detector

Ranges Available

0-100 PPM to 0-100 % CO 0-100 PPM to 0-5% SO2 0-100 to 0-2,000 PPM NO 0-100 to 0-800 PPM NO2 0-2, 0-5, 0-10% Combustibles 0-20% CO2 0-25% O2


0.1 % on % ranges, 1 PPM on PPM ranges

Accuracy & Repeatability

±1-2% of full scale - depending on gas measured and ranges


Less than 2% of full scale per month

Response Time (T-90)

usually 20-30 seconds to 90% of step change

Ambient Temperature Range

32-122°F (0-50°C) @ 5-95% RH non-condensing. Lower temperatures (-5°F, -20°C) with Cold Weather Package.


usually ±1% of full scale

Size & Weight

762 H x 610 W x 305 D mm (30” H x 24” W x 12” D) Dimensions and weight will vary with configurations selected


115 VAC, 60 Hz 220 VAC, 50 Hz


High or low alarm contacts available for all gases and low flow

Sampling System

Model 7240 heated pre-filter with SS Probe and manual blow back

Display Type

Touchscreen display of gas readings

Output Options

Isolated 4-20 mA standard RS232, RS485, MODBUS®, Ethernet outputs optional

Analyzer Type

Continuous Flue Gas Analyzer

Industry Type

Flue Gas or Emissions


N/A Continuous analysis of flue gas for any combination and range of O2, CO, CO2, SO2, NOx (as NO or NO + NO2) or combustibles from combustion processes.



  • Best value continuous flue gas analyzer
  • Infrared detectors for % and > 1000 PPM CO, CO2, or SO2
  • Electrochemical sensors for O2, NO, NO2, and SO2 & 10-1000 PPM CO
  • Catalytic sensor for % combustibles
  • Fast response time and digital readout of gas readings
  • Easy to maintain modular layout
  • Sample preparation includes filtration & continuous moisture removal
  • 4-20mA outputs for each gas measured
  • Sensors are temperature-controlled for maximum stability



  • Hi/Low gas, Low Flow alarms available
  • Isolated analog 4-20mA outputs available
  • Cabinet purge system available for use in hazardous or high dust areas
  • Auto-calibration with touch screen LCD display
  • Cabinet heating / cooling for operation in -20°C up to 55°C (-4°F to <131°F)
Optional sample conditioning features include:
  1. High-Temp Probe & Un-Heated Stack Pre-filter for clean flue gas
  2. High-Temp Probe & Heated Stack Filter for filtration of sooty flue gas (Model 7240), automatic blowback available
  3. Calibration gas injected at heated stack filter
  4. Dual or Multi-point option allows multiple samples to be cycled and analyzed (see Models 401/402)

Unique Applications

N/A All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova at 1-800-295-3771. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.