For ambient air or confined space monitoring for up to any four choices of O2, CO2, NO, NO2, CO, LEL combustibles, temperature, and % RH. Single gas versions are also available for H2S, SO2, Cl2, HCL & NH3.


Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

O2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, CL2, NH3 and H2S by electrochemical sensor, % RH by capacitive polymer, CO2 by infrared sensor, LEL by catalytic sensor

Ranges Available

0-100 PPM NO 0-100% RH 0-20 PPM Cl2 0-20 PPM H2S 0-20 PPM NH3 0-20 PPM NO2 0-200 PPM CO 0-200 PPM H2 0-25.0% O2 0-50 PPM SO2 0-50°C Temp. 0-5000 PPM CO2


0.1% on % O2, 1 PPM on PPM gases

Accuracy & Repeatability

±2% of full scale


Less than 1% of full scale or 2 PPM per 8 hours, whichever is greater, with constant ambient temperature

Response Time (T-90)

Varies with individual sensor but generally under 2 minutes for full reading

Ambient Temperature Range

40° to 120°F (4° to 49°C) ºC


Better than ±2% of full scale

Size & Weight

15" W x 7" H x 12" D @ 14 lbs. (375 x 175 x 305 mm @ 6.4 kg)


115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging 220 VAC, 50 Hz

Output Options

4-20 mA


Optional audible & visual alarms

Gases Measured

0) NH3 - 0-20 PPM 1) O2 - 0-25.0% 2) CO - 0-200 PPM 3) CO2 - 0-5000 PPM 4) LEL Combustibles 5) H2S - 0-20 PPM 6) SO2 - 0-50 PPM 7) NO - 0-100 PPM 8) NO2 - 0-20 PPM 9) Cl2 - 0-20 PPM


N/A For ambient air or confined space monitoring for up to any four choices of O2, CO2, NO, NO2, CO, LEL combustibles, temperature, and % RH. Single gas versions are also available for H2S, SO2, Cl2, HCL & NH3.



  • Rugged design that is easy to operate and maintain
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Separate electrochemical sensor for each gas
  • Sensitive infrared detector for CO2
  • Catalytic sensor for LEL combustibles
  • Capacitive polymer sensor for % RH
  • Digital meter readout with backlight
  • Built-in sampling pump, flow meter, filter and 12 ft. sampling hose
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Rugged suitcase (K) style case



  • Audible and visual alarms
  • Built-in printer
  • Built-in data logging



  • Nitrogen (N2) for zero
  • Analyzed gas cylinders for span

Unique Applications

N/A The Nova 600 Series is intended as a breathing air monitor, and is not marketed as an analytical instrument such as might be used in environmental applications and laboratories. Warmup time is approximately four minutes. The operating humidity range for this series of analyzers is 0-90% RH non-condensing.

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