The Nova 321 Portable Process Oxygen Analyzer utilizes a reliable, stable oxygen sensor which responds quickly to the oxygen present in a gas sample.  Its life expectancy is between 3 and 4 years.  The sensor is not affected by acidic gases such as carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide and can operate in a background of hydrogen and many other gases.  It is very easy for the customer to replace and at a resonable price.

A rechargeable 'gel cell' battery provides enough power for themore

Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

Long life electrochemical sensor

Ranges Available

0-5.0%, 0-10.0%, 0-25.0% and 0-50.0%


0.1% O2

Accuracy & Repeatability

±1% of full scale (±2% over 30% O2)


<2% full scale for 8 hours of operation

Response Time (T-90)

8-10 seconds for 90% of step change

Ambient Temperature Range

0-40 ºC32-105 ºF


±1.0% of full scale

Size & Weight

10" L x 7 1/2" H x 6 1/2" D @ 8 lbs (25.5 x 19 x 16.5 cm @ 3.6kg)


AC/DC operation. 115 VAC 60 Hz for recharging (Other voltages available)

Output Options

0-1V or 4-20mA (optional)

Hazardous Area Rating Options

General Purpose, Non-Hazardous


N/A Analysis of oxygen (O2) concentration in industrial process gas or purging and blanketing gases



  • Rugged design that is easy to operate and maintain
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Long life 'fuel cell' oxygen sensor (3-4 year life)
  • Digital readout meter with backlight
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Built-in sample pump or pressure regulator, filter and flow meter
  • Weatherproof (WP) cabinet with clear Lexan cover
  • Stainless steel probe with sample hose



  • Outputs of 0-1V or 4-20mA
  • Sample pre-cooler for hot or wet sample gases
  • Suitcase (K) style cabinet available
  • AC only power operation
  • Detachable/portable data logger



  • On air for span
  • On nitrogen for zero

Unique Applications

N/A All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.

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