Designed to monitor ambient sulfur dioxide (SO2) near industrial processes, in confined spaces, or any other area where SO2 may be present. The Nova 560 Series Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) alarm monitors are designed for the continuous detection of SO2 in ambient air. The SO2 sensor is capable of excursions over 100 PPM with no damage. The SO2 sensor is of the disposable electrochemical type with an expected life of between 2-3 years. The sensor needs no warm up time and is ready to go as soon as themore

Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

Disposable electrochemical cell

Ranges Available

0-20 PPM standard



Accuracy & Repeatability

±1% of full scale or 1 PPM, whichever is higher


Less than 1% of full scale or 2 PPM per week, whichever is greater

Response Time (T-90)

Less than 15 seconds to 90% step change

Ambient Temperature Range

40 to 104°F (4 to 40°C)


±1% of full scale or 1 PPM, which ever is higher

Size & Weight

20" H x 16" W x 10" D @ 20lbs. (51 x 41 x 26 cm @ 10kg)


115 VAC, 60 Hz 220 VAC, 50 Hz

Output Options

4-20 mA


Optional - Dual high SO2 alarm light and relays (SPDT - 5A@ 230 VAC) Optional: Audible alarm with 'Acknowledge' button

Analyzer Type

Wall-mounted Ambient Air Monitor

Area Rating

General Purpose Non-Hazardous only


N/A Designed to monitor ambient sulfur dioxide (SO2) near industrial processes, in confined spaces, or any other area where SO2 may be present.



  • Standard electrochemical cell
  • Fast response to the presence of SO2 in the air
  • Instant warm-up, no wait
  • Bright digital readout - no reading interpretation errors
  • Easy use and calibrate
  • Easy to maintain modular layout
  • 4-20mA output signal for recording
  • NEMA 12 fiberglass enclosure is standard



  • 'Fail Safe' alarms available
  • Strobe light
  • NEMA 4 enclosure



  • On N2 for zero
  • Analyzed calibration gas of SO2 in N2 for span

Unique Applications


    All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.

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