The 501 Series four gas versions offer a choice of O2, CO2, CO, NO, & NO2. Single gas verions are also available with H2S, SO2, Cl2, & NH3. An O2 sensor may be added to the single gas versions to produce a toxic gas plus oxygen deficiency monitor.

A built-in pump draws in the sample for analysis. A ¼" plastic tube may be attached to the analyzer to sample a different area, such as a room or confined space. Standard system
comes with NEMA4 enclosure, built-in sampling pump, flow meter,more
Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

O2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2, H2, CL2, NH3, and H2S by electrochemical sensor, % RH by dielectric ceramic sensor, CO2 by infrared sensor

Ranges Available

0-100 PPM NO 0-20 PPM Cl2 0-20 PPM H2S 0-20 PPM NH3 0-20 PPM NO2 0-200 PPM CO 0-200 PPM H2 0-25.0% O2 0-50 PPM SO2 0-5000 PPM CO2 -40°C to +40°C / 0-100% RH


0.1% on O2; 1 PPM on PPM gases; 1% RH; 0.1°C Temp.

Accuracy & Repeatability

±2% of full scale


< 2% per month

Response Time (T-90)

Varies with individual sensor but generally under 2 minutes for full reading

Ambient Temperature Range

40° to 105°F (4° to 40°C) ºC


Better than ±2% of full scale

Size & Weight

NEMA 4: 51H x 41W x 26D cm (20"H x 16"W x 10"D)


115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging 220 VAC, 50 Hz

Output Options

4-20 mA into 500 ohms non-isolated standard Isolated 4-20 mA


Optional - One low or one high O2 alarm and one high alarm for all other gases. Separate SPDT relay contacts for each gas with 5A rating. Display indication. Common 'Sonalert' audible alarm with ACKN function.

Gases Measured

0) NH3 - 0-20 PPM 1) O2 - 0-25.0% 2) CO - 0-200 PPM 3) CO2 - 0-5000 PPM 4) H2S - 0-20 PPM 5) SO2 - 0-50 PPM 6) NO - 0-100 PPM 7) NO2 - 0-20 PPM 8) Cl2 - 0-20 PPM


N/A For simultaneous monitoring of up to four gases in ambient air including O2, CO2, NO, NO2, CO, temperature, and % RH. Single gas versions are also available for H2S, SO2, Cl2, & NH3.



  • All gas detectors contained in durable NEMA 4 wall-mounted enclosure
  • Separate sensor for each gas
  • Bright digital readout for gas readings
  • Built-in sampling pump
  • Easy to maintain modular layout



  • Non-isolated 4-20mA recorder outputs
  • Isolated analog 4-20mA outputs available
  • Alarms with local indication and relay contacts with audible alarm & acknowledge
  • Red strobe light mounted on top of analyzer
  • Low Flow alarm with local indication and relay contact



  • On clean air or nitrogen for Zero
  • On analyzed calibration gas for Span

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