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Portable Analyzer for Carbon Dioxide & Oxygen


Portable Analyzer for Carbon Dioxide & Oxygen in Agricultural Applications


Portable Flue Gas Analyzer for Oxides of Nitrogen


Portable Flue Gas Analyzer for Oxides of Nitrogen


Portable Analyzer for PPM Oxygen and Dew Point
Method of Detection N/A Electrochemical O2 sensor Infrared detector for CO2 N/A Electrochemical O2 sensor Infrared detector for CO2 N/A Customer replaceable electrochemical NO sensor N/A Customer replaceable electrochemical nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide sensors Expected life 2-3 year each N/A Customer replaceable O2 sensor, AlO2 Dew Point Sensor, T/C Cell for H2
Ranges Available N/A 0-5000 ppm; 0-1%; 0-10%; 0-20%; 0-50%; 0-100% CO2
0-25% O2
N/A 0-25% O2 (Other ranges available) 0-3000 PPM; 0-5000 PPM; 0-1%; 0-10%; 0-20%; 0-50%; 0-100% CO2 N/A 0-2000 PPM NOx (as NO) N/A 0-2000 PPM NO; 0-800 PPM NO2; 0-2000 PPM Nox; (0-5000 PPM available) Ranges switch selectable N/A 0-10 PPM to 0-19, 999 PPM O2, -112° to + 68°F (-80° to +20°C)
Resolution N/A 0.1% O2 and CO2 N/A 0.1% on % versions or 10 PPM on PPM versions N/A 1 PPM NO N/A 1 PPM on 0-2000 PPM; 10 PPM on higher ranges N/A ±1PPM O2, ±1°C or °F Dew Point, 0.1% H2
Accuracy & Repeatability N/A Within ±2% full scale N/A Within ±2% full scale N/A Better than 2% full scale N/A Better than 2% full scale N/A ±2% of reading
Drift N/A Within 1% full scale per 8 hours of continuous operation N/A Within 1% full scale per 8 hours of continuous operation N/A Within 1% full scale per 8 hours of continuous operation N/A Within 1% of full scale per 8 hours of continuous operation N/A Less than 1% of full scale per 8 hours
Response Time (T-90) N/A O2 less than 10 seconds; CO2 less than 30-40 seconds to T-90 N/A O2 less than 10 seconds; CO2 less than 30-40 seconds to T-90 N/A 20-30 seconds for 90% of step change N/A 20-30 seconds N/A O2 sensor may require an initial
Ambient Temperature Range N/A 4 to 49 ºC40 to 120 ºF N/A 4 to 49 ºC40 to 120 ºF N/A 12 to 49 ºC55 to 120 ºF N/A 12 to 49 ºC55 to 120 ºF N/A 0-50 ºC32 to 122 ºF
Linearity N/A ±1.0% of full scale N/A ±1.0% of full scale N/A ±2% of full scale N/A ±2% of full scale N/A ±1% of full scale
Power N/A AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging N/A AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging N/A AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging (220 VAC 50Hz available) N/A AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC, 60 Hz for recharging (Other voltages available) N/A AC/DC Operation, 115VAC 60Hz for recharging. (220VAC 50Hz available)
Applications N/A
    Analysis of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2). For checking combustion efficiency, burner & control performance of furnaces, heaters and boilers in commercial, industrial and residential applications.
    For checking carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in controlled atmosphere (C/A) storage rooms, welding gas mixtures, and other process applications.
    Analysis of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) as nitric oxide (NO) for boiler, furnace, or engine exhaust.
    Analysis of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) such as nitric oxide (NO) and/or nitrogen dioxide (NO2). For boiler, furnace, or engine exhaust monitoring and analysis.
    Designed for use on low oxygen (O2) and low dew point (DP) process gases
Features N/A
  • Rugged design that is easy to operate
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Solid state infrared detector CO2
  • Long-life electrochemical sensor for O2
  • Digital readout meter with backlight
  • Modular layout that is easy to maintain
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Stainless steel probe with sample hose
  • Built in sample pump, filter and flow meter
  • Weatherproof (WP) cabinet with clear Lexan cover
  • Rugged design that is easy to operate
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Solid state infrared detector CO2
  • Long-life electrochemical sensor for O2
  • Digital readout meter with backlight
  • Modular layout that is easy to maintain
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Stainless steel probe with sample hose
  • Built in sample pump, filter and flowmeter
  • Weatherproof (WP) cabinet with clear Lexan cover
  • Rugged design that is easy to operate and maintain
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Disposable, long life electrochemical NO sensor
  • Digital readout meter with backlight
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Built in sample pump, filter and flow meter
  • Active condensate removal
  • Rapid recovery on NOx overdose
  • Stainless steel probe with sample hose
  • NOx can be read as NO, NO2, or as total
  • Rugged design that is easy to operate
  • Disposable, long life electrochemical NO and NO2 sensors
  • Digital meter readout with backlight
  • Modular layout that is easy to maintain
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Built in sample pump, filter, and flowmeter
  • Active condensate removal
  • Rapid reading recovery after NOx 'overdose'
  • Weatherproof (WP) cabinet with clear Lexan cover
  • Stainless steel probe with sample hose
  • Compact & easy to use
  • Rechargeable battery operation or AC
  • Large LCD digital readouts with backlighting
  • Built-in sample pump or pressure regulator
  • O2 ranges: 0-10 PPM to 0-19,999 PPM
  • Dew point ranges of -112° to +68°F (-80° to +20°C)
  • Customer replaceable electrochemical O2 sensor
  • Long life aluminum oxide (AlO2) dew point sensor
  • Last sample locked into sensors when analyzer is not in use
  • May be field calibrated
Unique Applications N/A
    All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.
    All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.
N/A Note: For proper operation, the sample gas should also contain a small amount of oxygen.

All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.
    All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.
N/A All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.
Analyzer Type N/A Multigas analyzer N/A Multigas analyzer N/A Multigas analyzer N/A Multigas analyzer N/A
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