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The Nova 322 Portable Paramagnetic Analyzer is designed to measure the oxygen concetration of clean, dry sample gas.  A built-in pressure regulator reduces any positive sample pressure.  A built-in sample pump may be switched on to draw in the sample gas when it is at or slightly below atmospheric pressure.  An external gas scrubber is available if required, to remove any corrosive gases prior to entering the analyzer.

In operation, the incoming sample gas passes through sample

Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

Magneto-dynamic paramagnetic O2 cell

Ranges Available

Any range from 0-2.0% to 0-100.0% O2


0.1% O2

Accuracy & Repeatability

Model 322BT: ± 1% of full scale; Model 322HABT: ± 0.5% of full scale


± 0.5% of full scale per month

Response Time (T-90)

4-6 seconds

Ambient Temperature Range

0-50 ºC32-122 ºF


Model 322BT: ± 1% of full scale; Model 322HABT: ± 0.5% of full scale

Size & Weight

8" W x 9" H x 10" D @ 12 lbs (20 x 23 x 25 cm @ 5.5kg)


AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC 60 Hz for recharging (Other voltages available)

Output Options

4-20mA or 0-1V (optional)


One high or one low O2 alarm (optional)

Hazardous Area Rating Options

General Purpose, Non-Hazardous


N/A For continuous high accuracy analysis of oxygen O2 in process gas streams or other applications such as combustion air O2 enrichment, O2 defficiency analysis and many more.



  • High accuracy paramagnetic O2 cell, very stable
  • Fast response (T90-4 to 5 seconds)
  • Bright digital readout
  • Linear over entire 0-100% range
  • Non-consumable O2 cell, no periodic replacement required
  • Built-in sample pump or pressure regulator
  • To improve accuracy, cell is compensated for changes in barometric pressure
  • Bench Top (BT) enclosure is standard



  • Isolated or non-isolated recorder outputs of 4-20mA
  • Sample pre-cooler for hot samples
  • Condensate removal for wet applications
  • High or low O2 alarms
  • Detachable/portable datalogger
  • Sensors temperature-controlled for maximum stability



  • Analyzed calibratin gas of O2 free nitrogen (N2) for zero
  • Air at 20.9% O2 or analyzed calibration gas of O2 in N2 for span

Unique Applications

N/A All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.