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The Nova 317 Series Portable Hydrocarbon Analyzer is designed for the measurement of propane or gasoline
vapor (using a correction factor) from a closed vessel.

The built-in sampling pump draws in a sample through an external hose where it then passes through a filter, flow
meter and infrared detector for measurement. The measurement results are then displayed on an easy-to-read
digital meter with switchable backlight.

A built-in rechargeable battery has enough power for about 5 hours of
Unit of Measure


Method of Detection

NDIR infrared detector (no moving parts)

Ranges Available

0-100% Propane (other ranges available)


0.1% Propane

Accuracy & Repeatability

±2% of full scale


Less than 2% of full scale per week

Response Time (T-90)

10-15 seconds

Ambient Temperature Range

0 to 50 ºC32 to 120 ºF


±2% of full scale

Size & Weight

14" L x 6" H x 10 1/2" D @ 8 lbs (35.5 x 15.2 x 26.6 cm @ 3.6 kg)


AC/DC Operation, 115 VAC / 60 Hz for recharging (220VAC / 50Hz also available)

Output Options



High HC Alarm (optional)

Hazardous Area Rating Options

General Purpose, Non-Hazardous



      For analysis of propane or gasoline vapors from a closed vessel or from a closed transfer line, such as with gas station vapor recovery applications.



  • Rugged design that is easy to operate
  • Fast warm-up and response
  • Solid state infrared detector
  • Calibrates on 100% propane; yields gasoline vapor measurement using a correction factor
  • Digital readout meter with backlight
  • Modular layout that is easy to maintain
  • Rechargeable battery operation
  • Built-in sample pump, filter and flow meter
  • Suitcase style cabinet weatherproof when closed



  • Recorder output - 4-20mA
  • Suitcase (K) style cabinet available
  • On-board data-logging to USB stick
  • High HC alarm with display indication



  • Air for zero.
  • 100% propane for span.

Unique Applications

N/A This instrument is not explosion-proof or 'intrinsically safe' design. User should observe all locally established precautionary measures when sampling potentially flammable or explosive spaces.

All Nova analyzers are built using proven technologies and techniques. If this product does not suit your application, please contact Nova. In many cases, we are able to build an analyzer specific to your needs.