Designed to monitor and alarm for Ammonia (NH3) levels in ambient air near industrial sites, manufacturing facilities, combustion processes, etc. The NH3 sensor is of the disposable electrochemical type with an expected life of between 3-4 years. The sensor needs no warm up time and is ready to go as soon as the monitor is turned on.
Model 595P has a built-in pump that can pull a sample through tubing from another area.
Unit of Measure
Method of Detection |
N/A Disposable electrochemical cell (3-4 years) |
Ranges Available |
N/A 0-20 PPM standard |
Resolution |
N/A 1 PPM |
Accuracy & Repeatability |
N/A ±1% of full scale or 2 PPM, which ever is higher |
Drift |
N/A ±1% of full scale or 2 PPM per week, whichever is greater |
Response Time (T-90) |
N/A Less than 15 seconds to 90% step change |
Ambient Temperature Range |
N/A 32 to 120°F (0 to 40°C), may be operated at lower temperature with auxiliary heater |
Linearity |
N/A ±1% of full scale or 1 PPM, which ever is higher |
Size & Weight |
N/A 14" H x 12" W x 8" D (35.6 x 30.5 x 20.3 cm) @ 18 lbs. (8.2 kg) |
Power |
N/A 115 VAC, 60 Hz 220 VAC, 50 Hz |
Output Options |
N/A 0-1 VDC 4-20 mA |
Alarms |
N/A Optional - Audible alarm with 'Acknowledge' button Optional - Dual high alarm light and relays (SPDT - 5A@ 230 VAC) |
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